Write words that jump off the page, with PSH’s Professional Playwriting Instruction


Do you want guidance on writing more impactful plays, with powerful words that jump off the page, and wow your audiences?

After years of being the #1 most popular playwriting submission directory online, we’re excited to announce the launching of the brand-new PSH Playwriting Course. 

This course has been designed to provide expert playwriting instruction from our very own Playwright-in-Residence, Andy Black, helping you to write more creative and technically sound plays.

Rest assured, the original (Classic) PSH membership is not going anywhere.  Access to the playwriting course is a separate add-on, paid for separately, etc, 

But if you’re serious about getting your play produced and making a name for yourself as a playwright, this comprehensive course will help give you a leg up on the competition and bring your vision to life onstage.

Here’s what you’ll gain instant access to when you signup today:

An advanced comprehensive education in playwriting techniques with this audio course taught by our professional Playwright-in-Residence, Andy Black.

Each of the following hour-long lesson comes complete with its own workbook, writing exercises, and questions tailored to each specific topic:

  • Lesson 1: Introduction
  • Lesson 2: Where do playwrights get their ideas?
  • Lesson 3: The seven key elements of narrative
  • Lesson 4: What makes a compelling protagonist?
  • Lesson 5: The MDQ (Major Dramatic Question)
  • Lesson 6: Mastering your play’s first 10 minutes
  • Lesson 7: The inciting incident/supporting characters
  • Lesson 8: Writing a compelling plot
  • Lesson 9: Mastering crisis, climax and resolution
  • Lesson 10: The writing and rewriting process 

The material is perfect for novice playwrights looking to gain a solid foundation in playwriting fundamentals, and for more experienced playwrights looking to pick up new tips and tricks.

A class with this much material could easily cost over $400. Seriously, google it.

But as part of the PSH family, you’ll have access for the RIDICULOUS price of just $8.99/month.

Feel free to consume the classes at your own pace and re-listen to them anytime you want.  And when you done, just email HarrisonM@PlaySubmissionsHelper.com if you want to cancel at any time.


You spend hours and hours writing…

Rewriting…Revising… Getting feedback…Adding new scenes…

Over and over again.

Unfortunately, the sad truth is that without the right foundation, you are running on a hamster wheel.

Picture this in your mind now:

It’s opening night at an esteemed local theater. You’re sitting nervously in a box seat.

Sitting with you is your spouse, an attractive date, or maybe a good friend.

The house is full of pleasant chatter.

Looking down at the rapidly filling seats below, everyone seems happy to be here. They’re all excited to see this “exciting new play” by a “bold new voice in the theater.”

That “bold new voice,” to use the critic’s words, is you.

Finally, the lights go down. The chatter in the seats dies down to just a few isolated whispers.

Your heart is ready to jump out of your chest.

Finally, all is quiet; the curtains open and the lights appear to reveal the opening scene of your brand-new play…

Get access mow 

For only 29.99 8.99/month.

100% Satisfaction Guarantee!

Bonus: 5 Short Lessons on Idea Generation

When you sign up, you will also access to a series of instructional videos designed to teach you how to generate more effective ideas for your play, more quickly and consistently.

You’ll learn how to mine your personal history, the collective unconscious, historical events, and political/social issues to inspire meaningful topics for your plays.

This idea-generation series alone could retail for $100, but it’s included in our package as an extra.

Get access mow 

For only 29.99 8.99/month.