Hello playwrights!  We would like to share a good news!

In our June 2017 blog, we had included the call for submissions for Full Circle Theatre’s Playwriting Festival. They finally announced the winners and we are very happy with the results. “Buttermilk Channel” by James English is one of the winning entries, while Vivian Lermond’s “Speed Dating in Paradise” made the shortlist. James and Vivian are both Play Submissions Helper subscribers. We are very happy for them (although we still have to confirm if they found Full Circle through our website).

See below for the official announcement of the winning entries:

Full Circle Theatre is delighted to announce that our winning entries for the 2017 Radio
Festival are:

 A Horse with a Green Tail by Pete Barrett
 Buttermilk Channel by James English
 Flatpack by Fiona Parker

These plays are all ready to listen to from our website www.fullcircletheatre.net/Listen!
page – free of charge, together with other previous winning festival entries from 2014 and

Listen anytime, anywhere, on any device [computer, laptop, tablet, or phone] using wifi
or listen on your phone via bluetooth in the car.

Thank you to all those writers who submitted their plays. The standard of work was very
high and made the finalising both the shortlist, detailed on the website, and winners a
difficult yet pleasurable task!

More about the winning playwrights:

Pete Barrett’s plays have won or been shortlisted in 17 competitions in recent years. He has
had seven professional productions at the Wolsey Theatre in Ipswich and published two
children’s books. He writes short stories for the Interact Reading Service which sends
professional actors into hospitals to read to groups of stroke patients. A collection of these
stories Out Loud: 36 Twisted Tales are available on Kindle.  www.petebarrett.co.uk

James English has published short fiction in a number of literary journals and teaches at a
community college in the U.S. state of Rhode Island. He and his wife have three children.

Fiona Parker is a screenwriter and novelist. Flatpack was inspired by a frustrating afternoon
spent in IKEA. Fiona’s other work includes TV screenplays, a novel, poetry and short fiction.
She lives in Edinburgh with her husband, two children and a cat.


Full Circle Theatre was established in 2010 to bring modern plays to local audiences in a
studio setting, working with new and aspiring actors and, through its playwriting festivals, to
give a voice to new and aspiring writers. If you want to know more about our work contact
us at fullcircletheatre17@gmail.com or via the website.