Most people think of writing as a solitary pursuit.

We get this romantic image of a man or woman sitting alone at a desk, typing or scribbling in a flurry of inspiration.

And to be sure…as a playwright, you’ll spend plenty of solitary time with your butt in a chair.

But I’m convinced this notion of the solitary scribbler does writers a grave misservice, by encouraging you to neglect the very important step of developing connections that will help support you along your way to success.

As a playwright, there’s massive value to be gained from connecting with other writers. Here are a few ways it can help:

* By getting another writer’s feedback on your work.

Getting feedback is invaluable to developing as a playwright, and few people are better qualified to critique your work than another playwright. They can give feedback on where your play is working and where it could use improvement.

* By providing inspiration and support.

Writing can be a lonely activity, and it’s not uncommon for writers to become disheartened–especially when you haven’t had success in a while. This can be tough…but other writers know what it’s like! They’re the perfect people to commiserate and help keep you motivated to keep going.

* By encouraging you to submit your work.

One of the biggest mistakes that playwrights make all the time is failing to proactively submit their work until they receive a positive response.

Fortunately, a fellow writer can help hold you accountable for submitting your work again and again.

If you want more playwriting advice, tips, and hacks, make sure to check out the comprehensive PSH Playwriting Course.