by play8044 | May 28, 2013 | Play Submissions, playwriting contests, playwriting festivals
Ladies and gents, below are 8 play submission competitions with June, 2013 deadlines. Note that this month is very front-heavy, with lots of June 1 deadlines, so don’t delay! Theater Name / Festival Name Link Length Accepted Genre(s) Accepted Deadline Location MadLab... by play8044 | Mar 30, 2013 | 10-minute play submissions, cash prizes, Full Length, Play Submissions, playwriting contests, playwriting festivals
Hey guys, below are 14 theater submissions opps with April deadlines, with a total of over $2,000 in potential prize money. There is something for everyone – 10 minute play submissions, one-act play submissions, right on up to full length play submission... by play8044 | Feb 24, 2013 | Full Length, Play Submissions, playwriting contests, playwriting festivals
Folks, this March has an insane number of playwriting submission opportunities. It’s like an embarrassment of riches, with 26 playwright submission contests, many with cash prizes, listed below: Theater Name / Festival Name URL Length Accepted Genre(s) Accepted...