by PSH | Jul 7, 2024 | play submission advice & tips, playwriting advice, playwriting tips
I recently came across a piece of advice for submitting your play, and I think it’s a wonderfully helpful one: * Put your wildest material up front. * Put your quietest material in the middle. * Put your absolute best material at the end. There’s a lot of... by PSH | Jun 9, 2024 | play submission advice & tips, playwriting advice, playwriting tips
What exactly should you submit to a theater? First, the easy part: if the theatre specifies what they want, send them exactly what they’re asking for. This is a great way to let them know that you’re invested enough that you actually read their website.... by PSH | May 8, 2024 | play submission advice & tips, playwriting advice, playwriting tips
When you finish a play and begin sending it out to theaters, it can be tempting to send it out to everyone you possibly can. After all, you want to hear back as quickly as you can! And I can certainly understand that. But take my advice on something: You’ll be... by PSH | Apr 8, 2024 | play submission advice & tips, playwriting advice, playwriting tips
All creative people have to deal with rejection. Think of your favorite actor, your favorite artist, your favorite novelist, your favorite musician, your favorite director, and yes, your favorite playwright. They all had to deal with rejection many times over before... by PSH | Mar 8, 2024 | play submission advice & tips, playwriting advice, playwriting tips
Recently, I received this question from a PSH member: ———— “I’d love for you to address STAGE DIRECTIONS. I also direct and I typically write a lot of stage directions in first few drafts, then edit them down to what I hope are just... by PSH | Feb 9, 2024 | play submission advice & tips, playwriting advice, playwriting tips
A lot of factors come into play when you submit your work to a theater. But the most important part of any play submission is, of course, the play itself. It’s great if you have connections in the theater and send them a terrific query letter. But at the end of...