Writing is, by its very nature, a solitary pursuit. We do most of our work alone at a keyboard. And if we do write in public, it’s often done with headphones in and eyes glued to our laptop.

Ultimately, I don’t think there’s a way around this. After all, the words still have to get written–and rewritten, and revised, and rewritten again–and that generally happens alone.

But to me, that only underscrores the importance of finding a community of likeminded people including other playwrights and theatre professionals or enthusiasts.

The act of writing, itself, may be a solitary pursuit–but that only seems to make it more important for us to connect with others in our space to talk about that work.

ESPECIALLY in an art form like theatre, which is so collaborative by nature.

I’ve found that regularly coming up for air to talk with other writers and theatre people about my work has helped immeasurably.

Maybe it’s another writer with feedback on my plot, an actor friend with thoughts about characterization, or someone with set design experience with practical advice on my setting–there’s a wealth of benefit to be gained from connecting with others in the industry.

Plus, the exposure to new ideas and others’ stories can go a long way in helping you to find more imaginative and inclusive solutions in your own work.

So where can you start to find your playwriting community, if you don’t have one yet?

First of all, check out PSH online so you can connect with over 24k playwrights at https://www.facebook.com/PlaySubmissionsHelper/ or join the PSH Playwright Community at https://www.facebook.com/groups/Playsubmissionshelper

Next, I would suggest getting involved in your local theatre community as much as you can. That means going to shows, meeting people there, possibly even volunteering–just get involved and try to become a contributing member of that community.

In other words, don’t try to befriend people in the theatre just to promote your work. That will inevitably come across as self-serving.

Instead, aim to make real friends and become part of a community that will help enrich your life and your work–and where you can also hopefully make a positive impact yourself.

Because, remember: when you are ready to submit your play to theaters, you don’t have to be limited to only your local theater.