35 Play Submissions Opps w/ May 2021 Deadlines

Howdy, Playwrights!  Here’s a list of 35 play submission opportunities with May 2021 deadlines. This is just a small sample of what is in our mega-list available to paid members.  Join now to get access! Name Length Nature of Opportunity Deadline Location...

36 Play Submissions Opps w/ April 2021 Deadlines

Howdy, Playwrights!  Here’s a list of 36 play submission opportunities with April 2021 deadlines. This is just a small sample of what is in our mega-list available to paid members.  Join now to get access to 400+ play submissions opps! Name Length Nature of...

35 Play Submissions Opps w/ March 2021 Deadlines

Dear Playwright, We here at PSH have been providing free monthly lists of submission opportunities to the playwriting community for years. As anyone who has tried to do this on their own knows, it is an enormous undertaking. This month, we have catalogued over...

35 Play Submissions Opps w/ January 2021 Deadlines

Howdy, Playwrights!  Here’s a list of 35 play submission opportunities with January 2021 deadlines. This is just a small sample of what is in our mega-list available to paid members.  Join now to get access to 141 play submissions opportunities with deadlines +...

36 Play Submissions Opps w/ December Deadlines

Click on the Facebook Share Button below to UNLOCK this month's list of play submission opportunities! Unlock Hidden Content Click on the share button below and share on facebook to instantly unlock the Januay list! Share on Facebook To Unlock Thanks sharing! Your...

35 Play Submissions Opps w/ September Deadlines

Howdy, Playwrights!  Here’s a list of 35 play submission opportunities with September 2020 deadlines. This is just a small sample of what is in our mega-list available to paid members.  Join now to get access to 125 play submissions opportunities with deadlines...