45 Play Submissions Opps w/ March Deadlines

If there’s one piece of advice I could give to every playwright in the world, it would be this: Never stop writing, and never stop submitting your plays. The only way you’re going to make it, and to be successful, is if you keep doing those 2 things. Now, it may come...

28 Play Submissions Opps w/ February Deadlines

What was your New Year’s resolution? Why not commit to submitting your plays at least once every month in 2018? You could accomplish this in a grand total of 12 afternoons throughout the year! So start now by checking out our list of play submission...

33 Play Submissions Opps w/ January Deadlines

Howdy, Playwrights!  This could be the busiest time of the year, but I hope that you’ll still find time to send out your plays.  Please check out below to find your 33 play submissions opportunities w/ January 2018 deadlines.  Happy Holidays!  And Happy...

47 Play Submissions Opps w/ December Deadlines

Howdy, playwrights!  We’re down to the last month of the year!  So before the year ends, make sure to send your play/s out to theaters that are looking for new works. See below for 47 Play Submissions opps with December 2017 deadlines. Note: Our friends at Full...