by PSH | Jun 26, 2023 | 10 minute play contests, 10-minute play submissions, One-Act Play Submissions, Play Submissions, playwright submissions, playwriting competitions, playwriting contests, playwriting festivals, short play submissions, ten minute play contests
Below is a list of 10-minute play submissions opps with early 2025 deadlines. Name Length Nature of Opportunity Deadline Location Add’l Info Edmonds Driftwood Players 10-12 mins Theme: “CROSSROADS: a choice or event that changed courses” 3/2/25 Edmonds,... by PSH | Jun 24, 2023 | 10 minute play contests, 10-minute play submissions, comedy play submissions, Gay-Themed Play Submissions, LGBT Play Submissions, musical theater submissions, One-Act Play Submissions, Play Submissions, playwright submissions, playwriting competitions, playwriting contests, playwriting festivals, short play submissions, ten minute play contests
Howdy, Playwrights! Here’s a list of 35 play submission opps with July+ 2023 deadlines. Name Length Nature of Opportunity Deadline Location Add’l Info Arc Stages 1-10 pages Theme: SHADOWS AND REVEALS 6/30/23 Pleasantville, New York n/a Athena Project... by PSH | Jun 8, 2023 | Play Submissions
Crafting compelling dramatic dialogue is crucial for an effective play. Well-written dialogue can animate your characters, propel your story forward, and engage your audience…or it can cause audience members to secretly check their phones. Here are... by PSH | May 22, 2023 | 10 minute play contests, 10-minute play submissions, comedy play submissions, Gay-Themed Play Submissions, LGBT Play Submissions, musical theater submissions, One-Act Play Submissions, Play Submissions, playwright submissions, playwriting competitions, playwriting contests, playwriting festivals, short play submissions, ten minute play contests
Howdy, Playwrights! Here’s a list of 35 play submission opps with June+ 2023 deadlines. Name Length Nature of Opportunity Deadline Location Add’l Info The Mini Plays Magazine max 2 pages Mini plays and monologues. Theme: Love 5/30/23 n/s No Fee Athena... by PSH | May 8, 2023 | play submission advice & tips, playwriting advice, playwriting tips
In this post, I’m going to share a single word that can help improve your entire play. And not just this play, but every play you ever write. So what is this 1 amazing word? “But.” Stay with me here. This will take just a moment to explain. To do...