35 Play Submissions Opps w/ February+ 2023 Deadlines

Howdy, Playwrights!   Here’s a list of 35 play submission opps with February+ 2023 deadlines. Name Length Nature of Opportunity Deadline Location Add’l Info Athena Project Full Length Women playwrights. 1/31/23 Denver, Colorado n/a Attleboro Community...

35 Play Submissions Opps w/ July+ 2022 Deadlines

Howdy, Playwrights!   Here’s a list of 35 play submission opps with July+ 2022 deadlines. Name Length Nature of Opportunity Deadline Location Add’l Info freeze frame fiction max 1,000 words Publication opp. Drama accepted. Any genre, no content...

35 Play Submissions Opps w/ April 2022 Deadlines

Howdy, Playwrights!   Here’s a list of 35 play submission opps with April 2022 deadlines. Name Length Nature of Opportunity Deadline Location Add’l Info Kumu Kahua Theatre / Bamboo Ridge Press See right. 5-page monologues or 10-page scenes based on this...

37 Play Submissions Opps w/ December 2021 Deadlines

Howdy, Playwrights!  Here’s a list of 37 play submission opportunities with December 2021 deadlines. This is just a small sample of what is in our mega-list available to paid members. Join now to get access, and use our Black Friday/Cyber Monday coupon code...

35 Play Submissions Opps w/ May 2021 Deadlines

Howdy, Playwrights!  Here’s a list of 35 play submission opportunities with May 2021 deadlines. This is just a small sample of what is in our mega-list available to paid members.  Join now to get access! Name Length Nature of Opportunity Deadline Location...

35 Play Submissions Opps w/ January 2021 Deadlines

Howdy, Playwrights!  Here’s a list of 35 play submission opportunities with January 2021 deadlines. This is just a small sample of what is in our mega-list available to paid members.  Join now to get access to 141 play submissions opportunities with deadlines +...