by PSH | Jul 23, 2018 | 10 minute play contests, 10-minute play submissions, cash prizes, Female Playwrights, Full Length, Full Length, LGBT Play Submissions, musical theater submissions, Play Submissions, playwright submissions, playwriting competitions, playwriting contests, playwriting festivals, radio plays, stage plays, ten minute play contests
Here are 23 play submissions opportunities that have August deadlines, with prizes up to $10,000! There is something for everyone: from 10-minute play submissions right up to full-length play submissions. *** If you are not yet a subscriber and wish you saw this post... by PSH | Jan 22, 2018 | 10 minute play contests, 10-minute play submissions, cash prizes, Female Playwrights, Full Length, LGBT Play Submissions, musical theater submissions, Play Submissions, playwright submissions, playwriting competitions, playwriting contests, playwriting festivals, stage plays, ten minute play contests
What was your New Year’s resolution? Why not commit to submitting your plays at least once every month in 2018? You could accomplish this in a grand total of 12 afternoons throughout the year! So start now by checking out our list of play submission... by PSH | Dec 22, 2017 | Full Length, LGBT Play Submissions, Play Submissions, playwright submissions, playwriting competitions, playwriting contests, playwriting festivals, stage plays, ten minute play contests
Howdy, Playwrights! This could be the busiest time of the year, but I hope that you’ll still find time to send out your plays. Please check out below to find your 33 play submissions opportunities w/ January 2018 deadlines. Happy Holidays! And Happy... by play8044 | Dec 21, 2014 | Female Playwrights, LGBT Play Submissions, Play Submissions, playwright submissions
Howdy, friends.í‚ This month’s installment of 63(!) playwright submissions w/ January (and late Dec) deadlines is downright insane.í‚ Make your new year’s resolution to be to devote more time and energy to your personal goals, and get busy making 2015... by play8044 | Dec 21, 2013 | LGBT Play Submissions, Play Submissions, playwright submissions, playwriting competitions, playwriting contests
Below are 50 playwriting contests with January, or late December, deadlines! í‚ The New Year is already upon us– if your resolution is to step up your playwriting contest submitting, now is the time to start off on the right foot! (Note that the only late... by play8044 | Jan 27, 2013 | 10-minute play submissions, cash prizes, Full Length, Full Length, LGBT Play Submissions, Play Submissions
Below are your 13 Playwright Submissions with February deadlines. But before we get to them, we need your help. As you may know, the Play Submissions Helper has garnered attention from playwrights around the world. But because we are still a new resource, many...